Why study Spanish in San José?
www.universal –edu.com
San José, the nicest place to study Spanish and learn about Latin America and its culture
Located in a large Valley surrounded by mountains at about 3000 ft above sea level and bathed by the tropical sun, San Jose has all that is to offer to make it an ideal place in which to travel and learn.
Its weather and spring like yearlong weather, with temperatures hovering around the lower seventies makes it ideal to concentrate and take the most of your Spanish learning experience as compared to the sweltering hot temperatures of most Central American and Caribbean beaches. If you still want to give way to the craving of beach life and surfing San Jose. It is just an hour and a half drive from the most beautiful beaches on the Pacific, and two hours away to the Atlantic´s corral rich beaches, ideal for snorkeling or scuba diving.
Would you like to visit museums? Our school guide will show you during the city tour where Costa Rica´s major museums are. The Jade Museum, Museo Nacional, Museo de Oro (gold) (most within a five block range from our school), so that you can plan visit them the next day with your new classmates..
A typical day would be wake up at in the morning 7 30 take the bus at 8 reach school at 8 30. Chat with both classmates and Costa Rican English students at our cafeteria and start classes at 900. Or you could also go to Scotia bank just around the corner to have some money changed or get some cash from the ATM machine, You can go and have a nice lunch, (soup, beverage, desert and tip included) for just $2,50 at Manolo s, one of the many cozy coffee shops on Avenida Central. Stroll a few blocks further and, visit Liberia Universal to buy a bilingual dictionary and a Spanish reader. Sit on a Bench in la Plaza de la Cultura and buy a bag of corns to help feed the many doves that land near you, Just sit and let time go by and observing pretty Costa Rican school children go by with their laughter’s and smiles . Feel free to engage in a friendly conversation with them, since they are most willing to help foreigners practice Spanish.
Go to the ticket office with Pedro and Ana your new Tico friends, English students at Universal de Idiomas , which you met with the Intercambio program, to see on Friday evening the Verdi s Opera “el Barbero de Sevilla showing at Costa Rica s most famous landmark, the Teatro Nacional. Just two blocks away from our school- Got lost or need directions to the Teatro Nacional ask a policeman on the block who will gladly guide you were to go.
Need to buy a pair shoes with your credit card to make your walking more comfortable, go up to the third floor of Carrion department store (next to Mac Donald’s on the pedestrian walk) where Maria, the clerk, will gladly help you choose a comfortable pair of loafers.
Go to the nearby Auto Mercado a nearby supermarket so that you can buy some personal items, your vegetables poultry fish or steak beef for the weekend cookout with your classmates, and pay the cashier with your Visa card.
Nostalgic about your country choose among the more than 30 cinemas within a five mile range from our school the movie of your liking either in English with Spanish subtitles or Latin American movies in order to enhance your Spanish Listening Comprehension.
Get a downtown map at the Tourist Information at the entrance of the world renown pre-Columbian gold museum so that you can plan your weekend trip with your classmates Hans and Yoko to the nearby Poas and Irazu volcanoes or plan a white water rafting trip for the next weekend with your German and Japanese friends..
For the evening hours you can go and see a play en Español in one of the several little theaters located just a few blocks from Universal
Next morning or afternoon you can go on a half day trip to Volcan Irazu, just an hour and a half away or visit the breathtaking Orosi Canyon in nearby Cartago.
The Poas Volcano which boasts to have one of the world’s largest craters is also a couple of hours away by bus. Would you like some excitement? Book a white water rafting trip at our school at low student rates (lunch included) and prepare for one of your most exciting adventures in one of San Jose nearby rivers,
Step out of our schools and you will be just a block away from two pedestrian street walks, with cafes, theaters, hotels, restaurants, banks, movie theaters, parks and you name it to make your learn and travel vacation most enjoyable.
Would to like to go to the beaches for a weekend or two? San Jose is the major bus transportation hub to all parts of Costa Rica. Jaco Beach the largest Pacific tourist beach resort in Central America and just 90 minutes away and Punta Leonas white sand beach just 75 minutes.
Would you like to visit other Central American countries? The southern border you will find Panama with its famous Interoceanic Canal and at the northern border Nicaragua both countries just about a 5 hour drive from San Jose with the newly refurbished Inter American highway. Reserve a flight with our tour guide Alejandra and take a shuttle to Juan Santamaria International Airport.
San Jose opens its doors for you to learn and enjoy your stay in Costa Rica and Central America.